Keyboard Shortcuts
For the latest keyboard shortcut editor please check Action Editor
General shortcuts
Each slider can be turned into edit box by CMD-click / CTRL-click.
Some scope types can be zoomed in using mouse wheel
Vectorscope & 3D Color Cube zooms in & out,
Waveform, Sat / Lum, Channel Plot zooms into the blacks,
Histogram scales the plot along the Y axis,
Zoom can be reset by middle or double click,
Some scope types show image preview when pressing and holding option/alt key,
Channel plot,
Sat / Lum
TAB key toggles the scope tabs and main menu,
Cmd+B on macOS, Ctrl+B on Windows - add a QC Timeline bookmark for the first connected device,
Option+B on macOS, Alt+B on Windows - toggle current snapshot
Cmd+T on macOS, Ctrl+T on Windows - toggle targets (View / Targets)
Cmd+, on macOS, Ctr+, on Windows - toggle Preferences window
Option+S on macOS, Alt+S on Windows - toggle Solo mode for the scope under the mouse cursor
Option+C on macOS, Alt+C on Windows - toggle Crop window
Option+D on macOS, Alt+D on Windows - toggle input 3D LUT in all the input sources
Option+F on macOS, Alt+F on Windows - toggle FullScreen mode
Option+O on macOS, Alt+O on Windows - toggle Stay On Top
Option+0..9 on macOS, Alt+0..9 on Windows - load a saved layout (check the layout order in the Layout menu)
option/alt clicking the Source Signal viewer drops a color pin,
Mouse middle-click removes the color pin,
Mouse dragging in the Source Signal will draw a mask - hold shift key to make it permanent,
Mouse dragging in the Histogram will make a range selection (depending on the histogram type - luma, saturation, hue),
3D Color Cube can be rotated in 3D by mouse dragging the scope area,
Last updated
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